Understanding EventHandler

EventHandler is a trait you must implement if you intend to use the event listener portion of Octocat in any meaningful way.

Let's break down what you need to know.

Associated types


  • The enum which you recieve when a future from a Command is completed.
trait EventHandler {
    type Message: std::fmt::Debug + Send,


    async fn message(&self, message: Self::Message) {




In 99% of cases, this type should be set equal to Client<Self>.

  • Client<Self> is the default value. You shouldn't have to override this unless you're writing your own custom GitHubClient implementation (not recommended)
  • This is used to represent the type of the github_client parameter present in each event.
trait EventHandler {
    type GitHubClient: GitHubClient + Send + Sync;


    async fn example_event(
        github_client: Arc<Self::GitHubClient>,
        example_event: ExampleEventType,
    ) -> Command<Self::Message> {

Listener Configuration

Supported on all platforms.



  • Requires the secrets feature to be enabled.
  • Your webhook secret.
trait EventHandler {
    fn listener_secret(&self) -> &[u8] {


Unsupported on WebAssembly


  • The port where the event listener listens (8080 by default).
trait EventHandler {
    fn listener_port(&self) -> u16 {



  • The route at which payloads are to be accepted (/payload by default).
trait EventHandler {
    fn route(&self) -> &'static str {
        // There is no need to prepend a / to the route



  • There are functions for each possible webhook event, and they all follow the same format. Here's the ping event as an example:
trait EventHandler {
    async fn ping_event(
        github_client: Arc<Self::GitHubClient>,
        ping_event: PingEvent,
    ) -> Command<Self::Message> {


Usage Example


Here's an example of the EventHandler trait in action.

use std::sync::Arc;

use anyhow::Result;
use async_trait::async_trait;

use octocat_rs::{handler::EventHandler, rest::model::repositories::events::PushEvent, Client, ClientBuilder, Command};

struct Handler {}

enum Message {
    Stuff(&'static str),

impl EventHandler for Handler {
    type Message = Message;
    type GitHubClient = Client<Self>;

    fn listener_port(&self) -> u16 {

    async fn message(&self, message: Self::Message) {
        match message {
            Message::Stuff(s) => {
                println!("==> Message received: {s}");

    async fn commit_event(
        github_client: Arc<Self::GitHubClient>,
        commit: PushEvent,
    ) -> Command<Self::Message> {
        println!("Commit pushed!");

        Command::perform(async { "Computation finished" }, Message::Stuff)

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    ClientBuilder::new().event_handler(Handler {}).build()?.start().await;
