
Octocat aims to be the GitHub API library for Rust. It was created due to a lack of well-maintained alternatives.

Design Overview

  • There are two modes of operation for Octocat.

  • The first (and most common) one is as a webhook event listener:

    • Essentially, the event listener passes payloads to the user, who then responds with a Command that can either contain nothing or a number of futures.
    • The Command is executed as soon as the event loop is free, and the user recieves the result in the form of a Message (an enum which they define).


                                             ┌────────────────┐  ┌────────┐
┌──────────────┐  ┌─────┐   ┌─────────────┐◄─┤Result (Message)├──┤        │
│Event Listener├──┤Event├──►│Event Handler│  └────────────────┘  │Executor│
└──────────────┘  └─────┘   └───┬─────────┴─┐                  ┌►│        │
                                │      ▲    └──────────────────┘ └────────┘
                                │      │
                                │  ┌───┴───┐
                                │  │Command│
                                │  └───┬───┘
                                ▼      │
                               │  User  │
  • The second is as a glorified HTTP client wrapper.